Sugar Industry Trends and Innovations in the US Market

Explore the latest sugar and sweetener trends and innovations in the US

August 19, 2024 –  Consumers in the US are concerned about their health, and its relation to their diet. Sugar is a top point of concern, with many consumers keeping track of their sugar intake more than any other ingredient. Here, we will discuss the latest developments in the sugar industry in the US, highlighting consumer attitudes towards sugar, as well as innovations within the market helping alleviate consumer concerns.

Consumer Expectations in the US Sugar Industry

Sugar industry research demonstrates changing consumer attitudes around health. In the US, consumers place the most importance on food and beverage products low in ingredients considered unhealthy, such as sugar, salt, and fat. According to sugar industry in the US research, consumers consider the best way to make indulgent food and beverages healthier is to limit unhealthy ingredients like sugar. Additionally, when US and Canadian consumers were asked which ingredients they are most conscious of limiting or reducing, their #1 answer was sugar. A notable proportion of consumers say they use sweeteners to cut down on sugar. However, they also would rather cut back on sugar than use sweeteners.

Several Approaches to Reducing Sugar

Sweetener approaches for food and beverage products include sweetening with naturally sweet ingredients such as juice, making products less sweet, and sweetening with natural sweeteners such as stevia. In the US sugar industry, the most accepted sweetener is cane sugar, followed by stevia, beet sugar, and monk fruit.

Sugar Industry Trends

Sugar-Free is the Top Sugar Claim

Among sugar reduction claims in the US sugar industry, sugar-free is the top claim. Sugar-free also continues to grow. No added sugar also is seen in a lot of food and beverage products in the US.

Sugar-related claims are most widely used in certain types of foods and beverages. Top categories are soft drinks, sports nutrition, and alcoholic beverages. The fastest growing subcategories of foods and beverages with sugar-related are flavored alcoholic beverages, chilled desserts, and wine.

Less Sugar, Same Taste

Food and beverage manufacturers are exploring ways to reduce sugar while having products taste good. Some strategies involve reducing sugar or using less sugar while others use sugar replacements with sugar substitutes, naturally sweet ingredients, and natural sweeteners.

Natural Sweeteners and Artificial Sweeteners

Non-nutritive sweeteners can be natural sweeteners or artificial sweeteners. Stevia is the top natural sweetener in the US sugar industry, followed by monk fruit and allulose. In artificial sweeteners, sucralose is at the top, followed by acesulfame-K and aspartame. Allulose is the fastest growing among natural sweeteners. Growth is stable in artificial sweeteners.

Exploring and Innovating Sugar Reduction

Fiber ingredients and prebiotic fiber ingredients have potential to help reduce sugar. Potato fiber is the fastest growing fiber and prebiotic ingredient, followed by pea fiber and tapioca fiber. Some juice companies in the US reduce sugar in their products by converting it into fiber.

In the sugar industry in the US, sweet proteins are a new development. One sweet protein is a honey truffle sweetener. Another is the sweetener brazzein that can be produced from corn.

Manufacturers use new ingredients to help products with less sugar to taste good. One ingredient is a modified stevia ingredient. Another sugar substitute is a combination of sugar and protein.

Sugar Reduction and Top Trends

Each year, Innova Market Insights releases its Top 10 Trends that forecast the direction of food and beverage innovation for the coming year. In 2024, the sugar industry in the US overlaps with several food and beverage trends. The top trend is Ingredients: Taking the Spotlight. Reducing sugar is all about which ingredients to use. Another top trend is plant-based. Sweeteners, especially natural sweeteners, are based on plants. The trend Nurturing Nature supports the development of natural sweetener alternatives to sugar. The top 10 trend Indulging in Health incorporates sweet foods and beverages that bring pleasure with reduced sugar.

Summary of US Innovations in Sugar and Sweeteners

Consumers have expectations about sugar. When asked in consumer trends research, US consumers name sugar as the top ingredient they are limiting. Also, naturally sweet ingredients appeal most as an approach to sweetening. Looking at the US food and beverage market, Innova expects to see a growing number of sugar reduction claims because of nutrition expectations and actions that brands can take to use less sugar in products. Soft drinks and sports nutrition products are top targets for claims about sugar reduction.

Manufacturers have a lot of opportunities to innovate in the US sugar industry. Innovations in technology can help manufacturers overcome taste challenges of certain sweeteners. Manufacturers can seek ways to reduce sugar while increasing fiber content. Also, sweet proteins offer a natural alternative for new sugar replacement opportunities.


This article is based on our report, “Innovation Drivers in Sugar & Sweeteners in the US & Canada .” If you are interested in reading this report, feel free to request a demo.
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