Exploring the Rise of Holistic Health Trends in the US and Canada

Discover the latest holistic health insights, including consumer trends and diet habits

Holistic health is a major focus of various types of trends. Consumer trends show that interest in health is going beyond physical well-being, with consumers also paying attention to mental health and spiritual health. There is a global trend toward the pursuit of health and happiness impacting consumer food and beverage choices. In addition, Innova’s Top 10 Trends 2023 of Affordable Nutrition and Unpuzzle Health support growing attention for holistic health.

Consumer Trends Define Holistic Health  

Consumer trend data show that consumers define holistic health as the intersection of mental health, physical health, and spiritual health. Consumers are looking for ways to feel better and improve health. They are willing to pay more for products that have health benefits. According to consumer trends research, consumers say that eating a healthy diet was their leading activity for healthy living over the previous 12 months. Consumers tell consumer trends researchers that they seek a healthier lifestyle because they want to feel well and age well. They use different ways to stay healthy. Two-thirds of North American consumers name hydration as their top health action. Around half of consumer trends survey respondents say that they take supplements as a way to stay healthy. Supplements also drive the desire for mental health through nutrition. One in five supplements launches in North America over a five-year period are for mental health or brain health.

Healthy Aging is Part of Holistic Health  

According to consumer trends research in the United States and Canada, more than 4 in 5 consumers surveyed say healthy aging is at least moderately important. They define healthy aging as an active body, an active mind, and sleep. Consumer trends survey respondents exercise regularly to age healthily. Other holistic health measures taken by consumers to age healthily are improving sleeping habits, getting regular check-ups with doctors, maintaining weight, taking supplements, and mental stimulation (33%).

Consumers Desire Holistic Health in Food and Beverages

Respondents to a consumer trends survey were asked where they think food and beverage manufacturers should concentrate their innovation efforts. Consumers of all ages and from most countries named health benefit as the most important factor and they associate freshness with health. They also said value for the money and affordability are important. Half of those participating in the consumer trends survey say that healthy eating is difficult because nutritious and healthy food and beverage products are less affordable. But consumers say that fresh products are worth paying more for and that they are willing to spend on health and wellbeing in the upcoming year.

holistic health trends

Diet Habits and Lifestyle Changes for Holistic Health  

Consumer trends show that consumers want to limit snacking. However, snacking is a regular part of their daily eating habits for holistic health so they know it’s important to choose healthy snacks when including treats. Desire for weight loss also motivates diet changes.

According to consumer trends, consumers want foods and beverages with hydration and sleep benefits for wellness. This is a change from the pandemic, when immunity was important. A majority of consumers surveyed say vitamins and supplements are important for their health and they are especially interested in postbiotics and supplements for sleep.

Holistic health incorporates nutrients to limit, such as sugar, salt and fat, and those to eat more of, namely protein and fiber. Nearly half of North American consumers limit sugar. No added sugar and sugar-free are the leading and fastest growing sugar reduction claims on North American food and beverage launches. Nearly half of North American consumers surveyed are most interested in protein as a functional ingredient; fiber also ranks high.

Gut Health is Related to Holistic Health  

Gut health claims are focusing on specific health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics, especially in soft drinks and sports nutrition. Traditional dairy products are prominent for overall gut health and for probiotics. In supplements, postbiotic claims for gut health have risen noticeably.

Consumers in North America Seek Advice from Doctors  

Consumers say that doctors, family and friends, labels, ingredient lists and nutrition information all guide them toward healthful products. Doctors rank higher than other healthcare professionals, nutritionists, mental health practitioners and chemists. Half of North American consumers pay attention to health claims and labeling. Millennials and Generation X are most likely to look at health claims and to be influenced by them. Consumer trends show that over half of consumers surveyed seek health and nutrition information and recognize the value of being informed.

What’s Next? Personalized Nutrition  

Personalized nutrition will open the door to customized food, beverage and supplement solutions to meet individual needs. The movement toward food as medicine will impact particular categories with healthful, plant-based ingredients. Consumers who try to achieve holistic health may expect products to offer basic benefits that can be customized into personal nutrition benefits.

The relationship between gut health and holistic health can drive opportunities for food and beverage products and for supplements with combinations of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics.

As consumers understand the relationship between lifestyle, nutrition and holistic health, they may put pressure on marketers of foods and beverages to clearly communicate a product’s holistic health benefits. The challenge is to make health taste good at an affordable price.


This article is based on our Trends Insider report, “Unlocking New Horizons in Holistic Health in the US and Canada.” If you are interested in reading our report on holistic health in the US and Canada, feel free to request a demo. You can do this by either booking a demo or using our Contact Form.

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