July 8, 2024 – Many trends shape the global supplement marketplace. Trends include global macro-level influences, as well as factors that shape the category and forces that occur on the level of products. Consumer drivers help shape future innovation. When looking at products, it is helpful to consider market sizing, category dynamics, trends in launches of new products, and the impact of innovation. All of these shape opportunities for the future.
Definition of Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements refer to products that are designed to be consumed by mouth and contain at least one ingredient that is positioned to improve health. Supplement ingredients are not considered to be a food or drink. Supplements are manufactured and sold in many different forms, including tablets, capsules, liquids, powders, chewables, gels, and gummies.
Global Supplement Market: Multiple Categories
Consumers can choose from many types of supplements. Amino acids are one example. Antioxidants are supplements such as polyphenols, resveratrol, alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, and others. Aromatherapy supplements contain essential oils and aromatic compounds in plants. Aromatherapy essences can come from plants such as rose, lavender, olive, mint, fennel, pine, cypress, eucalyptus and flowers. Botanical and herbal supplements encompass a wide range of supplements. Concentrates can be concentrated from animal tissues, including tissue cartilage, organs, or bones. Concentrates from plants include extracts of leaves, fruit, vegetables, or beans; oils; and herbal tea concentrates. Dietary fiber incorporates soluble and insoluble dietary fiber supplements. Supplements from enzymes and coenzymes can feature ingredients such as lactase, renin, protease, bromelain, and digestive enzymes. Essential fatty acids encompass omega-3s, omega-6s, and oils with essential fatty acids. Marine supplements are derived from ingredients such as blue-green algae, chlorella and spirulina. Some supplements are formulated specifically for men or for women. Probiotics include probiotic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, and synbiotics. All types of vitamin and mineral combinations or single ingredients are types of supplements. Weight gain and weight loss supplements support one activity or the other. Sports supplements incorporate products for athletes or body builders.
Several Forces Shape the Supplement Market
Several forces shape the supplement market. Today’s consumer prioritizes healthy living. Consumers migrate toward self-care because of pressure on healthcare systems. They also are influenced by new digital tools. As consumers get older, they want to prevent illness rather than cure disease.
A Majority of Consumers Take Supplements
Approximately three-quarters of consumers say they take supplements at least occasionally. Global supplement trends research shows that Millennials are the most dedicated supplements users, especially users of supplements that are positioned for specific conditions. Boomers buy less supplements than other generations but they stand out for using individual vitamins and minerals or supplements for healthy joints. Personalized supplements are an important trend.
Supplement trend research also shows that consumers take supplements to feel well, age healthfully, and ensure physical health and mental health. Consumers say that they take supplements specifically for gut health and immune health. Vitamins are the top type of supplements.
Asia and North America Have a Large Share of Supplements
Global supplement market research shows that three-quarters of market value for supplements is contributed by Asia, namely China, and North America, namely the US. East Europe is growing, as are Latin America, Australasia and Asia. In contrast, West Europe has the slowest growth rate of all regions but compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is projected to be positive.
Different types of supplements are prominent in different countries. Herbal supplements are popular in the US, while vitamins are popular in Brazil.
Supplement Market Trends: Different Businesses and Formats
The global supplement market is made up of different types of businesses. They range from large multinational companies to specialist companies, health retailers, companies featuring multi-level marketing, and a proliferation of start-ups. Tablets and capsules are well-established while powders, gummies and liquids spark consumer interest in supplements. Gummies in particular are gaining share in global supplement trends.
Shifts in Supplement Growth
Overall, launches of new supplement products were strong in the early 2000s but have leveled off recently. The one exception is sports supplements, where innovation is driving growth. Beauty supplements also are gaining. Supplement categories are led by vitamins and minerals globally but by botanicals in North America and Australasia.
Immune Health is the Top Supplement Claim
Immune health is the top claim in the supplement market. Other prominent claims include energy and stamina, brain and mood health, and skin health. These also are growing trends. Prominence of claims differs by region. Brain health is the second most featured claim in North America and Europe after immune health; brain health claims are being segmented into general brain health, focus and concentration, and mood. Energy and stamina is the top claim in Australasia, while general health and wellness claims are important in Asia and Latin America.
Claims trends support one of Innova’s Top 10 Trends for 2024 – Prioritizing Prevention.
Supplements Showcase Hero Ingredients
Innova’s #1 Top 10 Trend for 2024 is Ingredients: Taking the Spotlight. Supplements align with this trend that showcases “hero” ingredients. Mushrooms are among the trendiest ingredients. Ingredients from the sea are doing well in the supplement marketplace. Other trending ingredients include l-tyrosine for brain health, chromium picolinate for weight loss, and melatonin for sleep.
Flavors Stand Out
Flavor is important because popular supplement formats are edible. Strawberry and raspberry are leading flavors while passion fruit and other berry flavors are emerging in the supplement market.
What’s Next in Global Supplement Trends?
Continue to watch for growing segmentation so that supplements meet specific health needs for particular populations and particular benefits. Brain health and beauty health benefits from supplements are likely to become more specific. Interest is likely to continue in gummy supplements. and target specific demographics. Hero ingredients will continue, currently led by mushrooms.
This article is based on our report, “Now & Next in Supplements – Global.” If you are interested in reading this report, feel free to request a demo.
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